Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de underestimate

to underestimatesubestimar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I underestimateyo subestimo
you underestimatetú subestimas
we underestimatenosotros subestimamos
you underestimatevosotros subestimáis
they underestimateellos subestiman
they underestimateellas subestiman

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I underestimatedyo subestimé
you underestimatedtú subestimaste
he underestimatedél subestimó
she underestimatedella subestimó
we underestimatednosotros subestimamos
you underestimatedvosotros subestimasteis
they underestimatedellos subestimaron
they underestimatedellas subestimaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have underestimatedyo he subestimado
you have underestimatedtú has subestimado
he has underestimatedél ha subestimado
she has underestimatedella ha subestimado
we have underestimatednosotros hemos subestimado
you have underestimatedvosotros habéis subestimado
they have underestimatedellos han subestimado
they have underestimatedellas han subestimado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had underestimatedyo había subestimado
you had underestimatedtú habías subestimado
he had underestimatedél había subestimado
she had underestimatedella había subestimado
we had underestimatednosotros habíamos subestimado
you had underestimatedvosotros habíais subestimado
they had underestimatedellos habían subestimado
they had underestimatedellas habían subestimado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will underestimateyo subestimaré
you will underestimatetú subestimarás
he will underestimateél subestimará
she will underestimateella subestimará
we will underestimatenosotros subestimaremos
you will underestimatevosotros subestimaréis
they will underestimateellos subestimarán
they will underestimateellas subestimarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have underestimatedyo habré subestimado
you will have underestimatedtú habrás subestimado
he will have underestimatedél habrá subestimado
she will have underestimatedella habrá subestimado
we will have underestimatednosotros habremos subestimado
you will have underestimatedvosotros habréis subestimado
they will have underestimatedellos habrán subestimado
they will have underestimatedellas habrán subestimado

I would underestimateyo subestimaría
you would underestimatetú subestimarías
he would underestimateél subestimaría
she would underestimateella subestimaría
we would underestimatenosotros subestimaríamos
you would underestimatevosotros subestimaríais
they would underestimateellos subestimarían
they would underestimateellas subestimarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have underestimatedyo habría subestimado
you would have underestimatedtú habrías subestimado
he would have underestimatedél habría subestimado
she would have underestimatedella habría subestimado
we would have underestimatednosotros habríamos subestimado
you would have underestimatedvosotros habríais subestimado
they would have underestimatedellos habrían subestimado
they would have underestimatedellas habrían subestimado

Participio presenteAnotado
underestimating subestimando

Participio pasadoAnotado
underestimated subestimado

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